Here is part one of ImprovEd Shakespeare‘s The Winter’s Tale.

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    William Shakespeare first published the play, The Winter’s Tale in the First Folio in 1623. Although first grouped among his comedies, modern editors now recategorized the drama as one of Shakespeare’s late romances.


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    In the ImprovEd Shakespeare Kid-friendly video version, our company uses various dramatic techniques, technology, plus the regular environment to produce a fun and engaging drama. Therefore, imagine, children dressed in Elizabethan period costumes, while reciting Shakespeare in the local playground. At the same time, our performers also tackle many of the sensitive subjects addressed in this play.


    We shot the video over many days, and it was fun for the Kids. During that time, they learned their lines and donned period costumes. And whenever appropriate, the Kids dressed in their modern street clothes. Altogether, we wove a Shakespearean comedy with romantic elements, then made it approachable for our elementary and middle school Kids.

    Shakespeare by Kids

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    Our Kids had a great time learning, filming, acting, and collectively narrating ImprovEd Shakespeare‘s The Winter’s Tale.

    Watch the video and let us know what you think. If you want ImprovEd Shakespeare in your hometown, then CONTACT us.

    ImprovEd Shakespeare

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    Each fall and spring, ImprovEd Shakespeare develops a new production for live performance. In honor of the traditional Renaissance traveling troupe, during a period of a few weeks, we present Kid-friendly plays at various venues around town. Our Players, between 3rd-11th grade, gear themselves with playful, as well as engaging interpretations of works by the Bard of Avon. Suitable for all ages, each performance runs for about an hour.

    Furthermore, these shows are always FREE. However, we gladly accept Donations! Additionally, visit ImprovEd Shakespeare, Shakespeare for Kids by Kids on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter. And don’t forget to click on our BLOG for the stories behind these videos.