Undoubtedly, many believe William Shakespeare wrote the play, As You Like It, in the year 1599. To begin with, the piece, a pastoral comedy, initially appeared in the First Folio in 1623. First, we follow, in this exciting drama, the determined heroine, Rosalind, as she flees persecution in her uncle’s court. Later, during her run from danger, her cousin, Celia, accompanies her. At the same time, throughout their adventures, we experience encounters with, eventually, love, amid the Forest of Arden. Likewise, as before, we had fun Playing with Costumes for ImprovEd Shakespeare’s As You Like It.

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    In addition to learning and memorizing lines, plus theatre techniques, the real-life, true-to-the era clothes this group of Kids wore, gave their characterizations more vibrancy. Moreover, the period dresses also helped to transport them to that long-ago era. After first donning their outfits, they began to play each role with added enthusiasm. Then, we observed the transformation as each cast member assumed his or her individual parts. Straightaway, this group of dynamic Austin, Texas Kids changed into Elizabethan personas. Altogether, it was unbelievably entertaining to watch. Without a doubt, playing every respective role with traditional attire certainly made these Kids feel the characters. Hence, the performers entered what many in the theatre field call, the “be in the moment” phase of growth.

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    Still, it was during this stage of artistic development, including progress that something astonishing happened. Moreover, this remarkable occurrence pertains particularly for those children who tend to be a bit shy. To be sure, those bashful Kids, as well as others, found in themselves the strength and backdrop to overcome self-doubt. Hence, those Kid-friendly costumes, more than enhanced the believability of their performances. But, they also allowed many of our youngsters to let go of earlier insecurities. And thereby, change from a quiet caterpillar to a butterfly.

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    In addition to the positive transformation, we observed these Kids discover their strengths. Also, they learned to overcome weaknesses. Then, defying themselves, studied Shakespeare speech and more.

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    All in all, dressed in their Elizabethan clothing, plus learning Shakespearean English, the Kids had an excellent time. And of course, the experience of Playing with Costumes for ImprovEd Shakespeare‘s performance of, As You Like It, was a wondrous adventure.

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    Each fall and spring, ImprovEd Shakespeare develops a new production for live performance. In honor of the traditional Renaissance traveling troupe, during a period of a few weeks, we present Kid-friendly plays at various venues around town. Our Players, between 3rd-11th grade, gear themselves with playful, as well as engaging interpretations of works by the Bard of Avon. Suitable for all ages, each performance runs for about an hour.

    Furthermore, these shows are always FREE. However, we gladly accept Donations! Additionally, visit ImprovEd Shakespeare, Shakespeare for Kids by Kids on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter. And don’t forget to click on our BLOG for the stories behind these videos.