Those Darn Shakespeare Lines – Why Do I Have to Learn Them, Again?!

    Learning Shakespeare’s Lines ImprovEd Shakespeare Style. When I first see my lines in a new ImprovEd Shakespeare script, I feel pretty terrified. But, I still know that I can do it. I look around at my fellow cast members and think, “If they can learn them, so can I.” I’m not a terrible reader. But, I’m not a great reader. So, it helps to have a better reader who can read the lines to you that you can’t read. Shakespeare’s lines are so hard that if it doesn’t make sense, don’t be afraid or worried. Look at the script and keep reading them to yourself, over and over and over.

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    Or, you can record your lines on your portable player, and listen to them as you would listen to music. It’s good to listen to them while you’re falling asleep too. You can yell the lines out loud, sing them, throw a ball while reciting them. Do anything really. The more you say them, the more you get them. And before you know it, the lines are stuck in your head, just like “Everything Is Awesome” from the LEGO Movie, aka the Best Movie EVER.

    by King Henry X

    King Henry X is a soon-to-be eight-year-old living in Austin, TX. When he’s not performing Shakespeare, you can find him on a baseball field, in front of the computer playing Minecraft, or Master Building new Lego inventions.

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    Working with Shakespeare in education frightens many. Because Shakespeare experts, including professionals, surround us. Escaping them is difficult. This can be intimidating. Thus, feelings of dread usually accompany the act of presenting, but moreover be introduced to, the Bard.

    For this reason, ImprovEd Shakespeare is here to help. Founder and Director, Andee Kinzy, offers the layman’s approach to Shakespeare.

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    If you’re an English teacher, a theatre director, or a well-trained Shakespeare advocate, here you will find inspiration, as well as techniques, for making our favorite bard fun for Kids. Accordingly, we present old, new and improved ideas for introducing Shakespeare to youth for the non-Shakespeare-academic. Among them, we include theatre games, improvisation, tips, tricks, plus activities for using Shakespeare in education.


    Since 2011, ImprovEd Shakespeare has been exploring the Bard with youth through theatrical performance. Our signature scripts are a mix of modern narration plus original Shakespeare verse. With a focus on the story, including an abbreviated script length, our productions entertain all ages. Moreover, our catalog goes beyond the oft-used Midsummer Night’s Dream, or Romeo and Juliet. We’ve discovered that young people find much to their delight among many of Shakespeare’s works. Consider subscribing to our YouTube channel for family-friendly Shakespeare videos.

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    Each fall and spring, ImprovEd Shakespeare develops a new production for live performance. In honor of the traditional Renaissance traveling troupe, during a period of a few weeks, we present Kid-friendly plays at various venues around town. Our Players, between 3rd-11th grade, gear themselves with playful, as well as engaging interpretations of works by the Bard of Avon. Suitable for all ages, each performance runs for about an hour.

    Furthermore, these shows are always FREE. However, we gladly accept Donations! Additionally, visit ImprovEd Shakespeare, Shakespeare for Kids by Kids on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter. And don’t forget to click on our BLOG for the stories behind these videos.