Global Hamlet – Wish You Were Here – Philadelphia



    September 25, 2018

    Dear Players,

    Is not this something more than fantasy?

    Global Hamlet, a web series from ImprovEd Shakespeare, is slowly, but surely becoming something more than fantasy. Although sometimes, I still have my doubts that it is going to happen. But either way, have you seen the Austin, Texas episode yet? Well, it’s up on YouTube now. Go there and watch it.

    ImprovEd Shakespeare

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    From the Mission Graduates program in San Francisco, California, we had a delightful time with a group of 12 eight-year-old students. The Kids, in fact, loved, loved, loved the story. For one thing, we were with them for several after-school days. And, they wanted to hear me repeat the tale of Hamlet every single day. Of course, The Everybody Dies game was a big hit.

    After San Francisco, disaster struck. As I was trying to find a group in NYC, your fearless compadre and intern was decommissioned by appendicitis. She was then, in and out of the hospital, as was I, for about five days. Unfortunately, it waylaid our NYC Episode.

    New York City

    Actually, it didn’t affect Global Hamlet NYC that much, because we never found any Kids. Alack!!!! Remember how when I described the project? The first thing people would ask was, “How are you going to find the Kids?” Then, I would respond breezily, “Oh, it won’t be hard. Maybe through friends, organizations, etc.” Well, guess what? It’s hard. Grr… You see, I hate it when other people are right, and I’m wrong.

    Now, we’re in Philadelphia. Zia is doing much better. In case you’re wondering, so is Brant, but he wasn’t sick. We’ve been exploring Philly using Indego bike share. Therefore, my tush and legs are feeling it. We’ve done the usual sightseeing, for example, Independence Hall, Liberty Bell, etc. But we’ve also visited the not-so-normal, in this instance, Fairmount Water Works, including US Mint.

    This week, Global Hamlet will be hosted by Philly ALC. And, we look forward to meeting some Philadelphia youth from the alternative school community. As a matter of fact, this might be the last time I teach an ImprovEd Shakespeare workshop. Reason being, we’re adapting the focus of the project. Therefore, for future episodes, I plan to contact different youth Shakespeare groups. Then, I’ll ask them to share their best practices. It will be quite exciting to learn from others. Likewise, I anticipate returning with hordes of new ideas!

    ImprovEd Shakespeare

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    Upon Our Return

    Hopefully, you’re having fun with Taylor and Midsummer Night’s Dream. Despite never wanting to do Midsummer, I admit, adapting the script was enjoyable. Together with a slightly different ImprovEd Shakespeare version plus, Taylor putting her twist on the dialogue specifically for all of you, I imagine you’re having loads of fun. I’m also sure you all are adding your own creative flair too. I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Again, I’m picturing each of you in your roles. So, send me photos and videos!

    Miss you,


    P.S. I aim to post a letter to you every week on Tuesdays.


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    Visit our Gallery of photographs from our time in Philadelphia, PA. Gallery.

    Each fall and spring, ImprovEd Shakespeare develops a new production for live performance. In honor of the traditional Renaissance traveling troupe, during a period of a few weeks, we present Kid-friendly plays at various venues around town. Our Players, between 3rd-11th grade, gear themselves with playful, as well as engaging interpretations of works by the Bard of Avon. Suitable for all ages, each performance runs for about an hour.

    Furthermore, these shows are always FREE. However, we gladly accept Donations! Additionally, visit ImprovEd Shakespeare, Shakespeare for Kids by Kids on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter. And don’t forget to click on our BLOG for the stories behind these videos.