Global Hamlet – Wish You Were Here – Montreal Week 1

    Dear Players,


    As we quickly learn in theatre, we must adapt. Now, I must readjust to my adaption. Initially, my ambitious plan was to switch the focus of Global Hamlet. And listen to, as well as observe others, instead of regaling them with ImprovEd Shakespeare techniques. Unfortunately, in my primary attempt with this new focus, I stumbled. Because I picked one town with very few Shakespeare for youth programs. And thus, for Global Hamlet – I Wish You Were Here in Montreal, during Week 1 of this journey.

    ImprovEd Shakespeare

    “Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice.” – Polonius, Hamlet, William Shakespeare

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    There is one summer workshop that trains youth in Shakespeare. And, it is a collaboration between two theatres. Earlier, I sent emails out to each of them: Repercussion Theatre and Geordie Theatre. Respectively, the playhouses are in Montreal, Quebec. In the meantime, I crossed Both Fingers that I hear back!

    Here is an interesting factoid: the location of the Montreal Centaur Theatre Company is in the original Stock Exchange building. I find that information delightful! Reason being, the Stock Exchange, the focal point of money plus economics, houses the Theatre. Furthermore, The Playhouse serves as the pivotal point of expression as well as social commentary, including activity.

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    Now, the time spent with Philly ALC, including a few local Philadelphia homeschoolers was incredible. Of course, we added the necessary parental advice scene to Global Hamlet. As is often the case, in our version, we included as many players as possible. Therefore, Polonius became Polonius, as well as Paulina. Next, Horatio, Marcellus, plus Bernardo stopped and dispensed some advice. Moreover, the guidance came straight from Polonius’ mouth. Lastly, we had to have a Servant to assist with all the traffic.

    These Kids worked hard. Generally speaking, many of them weren’t new to the theatre. However, most of them were new to Shakespeare.

    This week’s video upload concludes Episode 1. Additionally, it contains the Austin portion. Have you watched the videos yet? Check the Global Hamlet series out on YouTube.

    ImprovEd Shakespeare

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    Finally, I came across the image in the photo during our travels and thought of you. Can anyone guess our location in this photo?

    Visit our Gallery of photographs from our time in Montreal, Canada. Gallery.

    Each fall and spring, ImprovEd Shakespeare develops a new production for live performance. In honor of the traditional Renaissance traveling troupe, during a period of a few weeks, we present Kid-friendly plays at various venues around town. Our Players, between 3rd-11th grade, gear themselves with playful, as well as engaging interpretations of works by the Bard of Avon. Suitable for all ages, each performance runs for about an hour.

    Furthermore, these shows are always FREE. However, we gladly accept Donations! Additionally, visit ImprovEd Shakespeare, Shakespeare for Kids by Kids on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter. And don’t forget to click on our BLOG for the stories behind these videos.