by improvedshakes | Feb 19, 2015 | Education Resources, Shakespeare for Kids by Kids
Hear ye! Hear ye! Hidden on the Internet are five amazing students who have dedicated hours and days to find the most fantabulous Renaissance information for kids. They have written and compiled facts upon facts; articles upon articles. Meet the Flipboard Crew! And...
by ImprovEd Shakespeare Lab | Feb 19, 2015 | Education Resources, Shakespeare for Kids by Kids
“Working Dogs, True False?” | by Hamlet, Princess of Denmark | Pug-let: The First Ever All-Pug Production of Hamlet by Kevin Broccoli [the_ad id=”4426″] Today, I had a discussion with friends about dogs during the Renaissance era. And, the main...
by ImprovEd Shakespeare Lab | Feb 19, 2015 | Education Resources, Shakespeare for Kids by Kids
Blood Sports in the Renaissance | by Prince Ferdinand | In the Renaissance, they were pretty cruel to animals. In fact, they had lots of sports where animals would die for the audiences’ amusement! Here are six of the sports: bear baiting, dog fighting, rat baiting,...
by ImprovEd Shakespeare Lab | Feb 13, 2015 | Education Resources, Shakespeare for Kids by Kids
“Shakespeare’s Valentine: Who was Anne Hathaway” | by Hotspur | Shakespeare’s Valentine: Who was Anne Hathaway? William Shakespeare had a valentine. And, it was his wife, Anne Hathaway, was born in the year 1556 and died in 1623. She was the eighth child of a...
by ImprovEd Shakespeare Lab | Jan 31, 2015 | Education Resources, Shakespeare for Kids by Kids
How People Died, I Mean Dyed, Their Hair in the Renaissance | by Portia | How People Died, I Mean Dyed, Their Hair in the Renaissance. There are so many different things we could do with our hair today. For example, bleach our hair, coloring our hair etcetera. In the...