by ImprovEd Shakespeare Lab | Mar 27, 2015 | Education Resources, Shakespeare for Kids by Kids
| by Hamlet, Princess of Denmark | What do you think about true love in the Renaissance? Or about true love at all, really? Is it a thing of fairy tales; or is it real? Well, we hear legends of knights and princesses falling in love in the Renaissance; and of lords...
by ImprovEd Shakespeare Lab | Mar 24, 2015 | Education Resources, Shakespeare for Kids by Kids
| By Hotspur | Meat was not on the peasant’s normal diet because they had no refrigerators. Meat had to be preserved with salt and salt was very expensive back then. So was the meat! But things like soups, mush and black bread were readily available. In fact,...
by ImprovEd Shakespeare Lab | Mar 17, 2015 | Education Resources, Shakespeare for Kids by Kids
| By Hotspur | In the Renaissance, going to the bathroom was not easy, if you think about it with our modern sensibilities: toilet, toilet paper, privacy. Most of the time people would go behind trees and in the forest. Sometimes people had bowls that they would use....
by ImprovEd Shakespeare Lab | Mar 11, 2015 | Education Resources, Shakespeare for Kids by Kids
| by Hotspur | Have you ever wondered what Kate was thinking when she was getting “tamed?” Well, I’ve been wondering the same thing! So one day, I decided to sit her down for an interview. Hotspur: Thanks for joining us today, Katharina. Katharina:...
by ImprovEd Shakespeare Lab | Mar 4, 2015 | Education Resources, Shakespeare for Kids by Kids
| by Hamlet, Princess of Denmark | For a long time animals have had a special place in the hearts of people. With all this Shakespeare going on in my life, I started thinking about the animals in the Renaissance. Interestingly enough, art in the Renaissance has a lot...